De Robertis Paperworker has been awarded by Bobst for a unique die cutting department in Europe. The historic company of Putignano (BA) produces cardboard folding boxes and cases and thanks to the installation of four Bobst die-cutting machines, it has a unique fleet of machines in Europe.
by Andrea Spadini
Founded on 1899, A. De Robertis & figli is a leader in the Italian cartotecnical landscape. Until the mid-1950’s, the core business was the printing of books, still jealously guarded in the company’s archives. In the 1950s and ’60s traditional print production was flanked by boxes and boxes lithographed in folding cardboard. The need to specialize more and more in the field of carton packaging, drives the Contegiacomo family, who took over from the company in 1972, to abandon the printing of books to dedicate exclusively to the production of boxes and cases.
Thus begins a growth and development, dimensional, occupational and technological path that has led the company to have 65 skilled employees working in a 35,000 square meter office, 15,000 of which are covered.
De Robertis’s reference areas are mainly food, pharmaceutical and mechanical, served with cardboard and microwave folding boxes and folders, printed in four-color (or, if necessary, in multiple colors) and painted with water or UV, die-cut And glued.
For the pharmaceutical sector boxes are also supplied with Braille indications.
Always in search of innovative solutions and advanced technologies for high quality products and sustainability, the company has a state-of-the-art technology park.

On september 2012 Luigi Seregni, CEO of Bobst Italia SpA, Business Director Bobst Italia (Business Unit Sheet Fed), and Sandro Gubinelli, Head of Technical Marketing & Responsible of the Competence Center di Bobst Mex SA, visited the De Robertis paperboards to deliver them directly into the owners’ hands Cesare and Fabio Contegiacomo, the licensed plate for an installation in the die-cutting department that has no equal in Europe: 3 MASTERCUT 145 PER (cliccare here to see a demonstration) e 1 EXPERTCUT 106 PER.

We talk about it with Fabio Contegiacomo to which we ask to tell us something more about the meaning of this recognition, which beyond the normal courtesy of the supplier to his client, encloses in himself a particular attention and sensitivity to productive realities, such as De Robertis who, Thanks to the quality of their work, know-how and competence are able to stand out on the market.
Andrea Spadini – Let’s start with your relationship with Bobst. It’s not something to get the management’s visit every day, especially to receive a memorial plaque.
“ It’s not really true, as we have a Bobst memory stick in our offices for the first SP 142 and delivered to Italy. It was back in 1977 and since then has started collaboration with the company of Lausanne. The partnership continued over the years with the ER, CER series and finally with the 145 Mastercuts whose 1st installation dates back to June 2010.»
AS – What were the reasons that prompted you to buy four die cutter machines at a certain time certainly not easy?
It is the continuous renewal of the plants that pushed us to this choice. We have simultaneously installed perfectly compatible machines for both format and technology.»
AS – Have you already noticed an increase in production?
In addition to the tips up to 9,500 sheets per hour we noticed an average increase in speeds of about 20-25% on all types of work».
AS – What is the average print of your production? Do you have the need to switch frequently from one job to another?
«Our average runs are in the range of 20 / 25,000 sheets and despite the fact that we do not have frequent changes of work, we have, however, been able to appreciate the reduction in start-up times compared to the previous generation of Bobst die-cutting machines.»
AS – What year was this 2012 and how do you see the future scenario? Are you planning other short-term investments?
«2012 was a positive year, but the vision for the foreseeable future is certainly not cloudy for the economic situation which causes a contraction in consumption and, consequently, less packaging. The investment cycle we are going to conclude will be completed next year when, after the complete refurbishment of the die-cutting department, we will have replaced the printing machines that will fit into the new 105 × 145 format of Bobst Mastercut.»
In addition to the cardboard punching machines, the company has an important press department in the large and medium format recently refurbished, and a box folding and gluing department to ensure efficient workflow across the various manufacturing sectors.
It is confirmed as one of the most important packaging manufacturers in Italy.